Sunday, January 20, 2008

New News

Me and Marley are the best of friends now. He likes to lick my face and I like to giggle and squeel when he does. I also like it when he squeeks his toys!

I got a new shirt and diaper soaker the other day. They're handmade and fit me perfectly. Plus, there are giraffes on myshirt!

Mommy wanted to show you all how I can put kangaroo feet in my mouth. And also wanted you too see how much I've grown in 2 and a half months.


At 4 weeks old:

You can't even see my feet I was so little...

1 comment:

Darcy said...

O my god Elijah!!!! Your are getting so big and handsome. Auntie Darcy misses you :( When are you coming to visit me again??