Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yesterday vs. Today

Yesterday I was SO good! I spent most of the morning watching the window:

I even let Mommy take a picture of my belly button. She thinks it's the cutest belly button she's ever seen.

But today has been a different story. I have been very, very cranky. Mommy's confused because she thought babies were supposed to take lots of naps, but I don't like to take naps unless it's in Mommy's sling or on her belly. The minute she puts me in the basinette I wake up and start crying. It's a fun game I like to play. I played that game today until Mommy FINALLY gave up trying to get me to sleep in the basinette (after an hour and a half of crying and being soothed and then crying again). So Mommy finally put on her sling and I'm off to snoozeland!

Don't mind my skin. I've got a terrible case of baby acne thanks to Mommy's hormones. It'll clear up soon enough and I'll be handsome as ever!

1 comment:

Cheap Chronicles said...

When he's staring at the window, I think he's working on an escape plan.