First, I had them in a line on my right. But that wasn't quite what I needed. So then I tried a semi-circle.
Still not quite right. So I tried ANOTHER line, but this time on my left side.
Perfect! Now I can color!
My Grandma Larson sent me a cookie in the mail for Valentine's Day and Mommy let me eat it today. I'm not sure what she thought was so funny though...
Also, yesterday we went to the Children's Museum again! (Mommy and Daddy got a membership so we can go ALL THE TIME!!!) Mommy tried to teach me how to paint my own face.
I tried, but I kept wanting to eat it or draw on the table instead of my face. So Mommy ended up doing most of my face for me.
Then I found this really neat hollow log. Daddy wasn't sure about the log, but I told him there was nothing to be afraid of.
See? That giant spider is nothing to be afraid of. He's more afraid of you than you are of him. Silly Daddy!
I also saw some fish! I said hi to them.
And I went on a slide. I love slides!
Later, Mommy tried to get a cute picture of my painted face. I gave her many good poses!
I still don't understand why she stopped after that last one! I was working it!
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